Family Horizons offers a variety of loan options to help you acquire the things that you need. Whether it’s financing a new or used car, or purchasing a new home, we’ve got you covered. Explore our affordable loan programs and services below.
Ready to apply? Just click the “Loan applications” link in Quick Links, or stop by a Family Horizons location today. You can also call us at 317.352.0423 or chat with a representative, by clicking here.
Auto Loans
Family Horizons offers new and used auto loans and motorcycle and boat loans, as well as guaranteed auto protection.
Home Loans
Family Horizons wants to help you live in the home of your dreams. We now offer more loans to fit all your needs!
Signature Loans
Our Signature Loan is a great way to consolidate bills, make home improvements, plan a vacation, get ready for back-to-school and much more.
VISA® Credit Card
Family Horizons is proud to offer VISA® Classic and VISA® Gold cards with low interest rates and no annual fees.
Need to crunch the numbers? Use our simple calculator to learn how much your monthly loan payments might be.